5 Signs You May Be Experiencing a Sleep-Disorder

However, these are signs that something is wrong, that your body is not functioning as it should – not that it is functioning as it should.  Consider the following five questions/signs and whether they apply to you.  If you find yourself identifying with these statements, you may very well be experiencing a sleeping-disorder, like sleep apnea, that could be fixed!

  • Do you wake up feeling well-rested? Consider how restless you may be throughout the night and the reasons behind you may be waking.
  • Are you waking up with chronic pain in your head, neck, or shoulders?
  • Are you taking over-the-counter medications in the hope to treat dismal sleep or pain experienced upon waking? Are you feeling frustrated that these solutions are offering little-to-no relief?
  • Is your spouse able to sleep due to your snoring? You may not be aware of how bad your snoring or sleeping habits are, but is your spouse?
  • How productive and alert are you throughout the day? Do you find yourself dragging and sleepy?


Sleep disorders can be difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are so insidious; they start out subtly and can seem very vague or minor at first. But as the problems worsen, so do the symptoms until the pain becomes chronic. In fact, in some ways it’s a viscous cycle because pain anywhere in the body can make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep, leading to sleep disorders and additional problems like, TMJ.

Life depends on getting good sleep, and that relies on being able to breathe. When a person is able to breathe well, and they get good sleep, they live longer and have a healthier life. That’s the goal of being informed about TMJ and sleep disorders—to live long and healthy.  Contact us today to learn more about whether you may be experiencing a sleep disorder and how to overcome it!