Is Your Loved One’s Snoring Keeping You Up? Signs They May Need to See a TMJ and Sleep Therapy Specialist

Is there a loved one in your home that sounds like a freight train passing when they sleep? Do you race to fall asleep first so that you don’t have to listen to your spouse’s snoring? It’s easy to get frustrated, especially since neither you nor your loved one is getting a good night’s rest. The fact is, your loved one is trying to breathe in a lot of air through a very small opening, an airway that is very small or constricted.  Another fact: neither of you needs to suffer from this snoring.

People often assume that snoring is a condition that occurs as a natural part of aging. Others just ignore it; they don’t recognize it as a symptom of a sleep disorder. Some just choose to overlook the situation; a snoring spouse or partner may make it hard to get a good night’s sleep, but they just accept the snoring as a part of life. However, it is never okay to snore.

The problem is, any discussion on the subject of snoring is usually unpleasant because it is common for people who snore to not even know they do and to deny it when it is pointed out to them. It’s only when the spouse or partner can no longer tolerate the noise that the snorer will come to see me for an evaluation.

Often, snorers don’t really believe they snore. But once I start asking questions during a consultation, such as “Do you wake up refreshed?” the snorers start to recognize they might have a problem.  If your loved one is snoring, consider helping them identify any of the following symptoms they may be experiencing:

  • Loud snoring
    Excessive daytime sleepiness
    Poor nighttime sleeping
    Nighttime waking episodes
    Morning headaches
    Teeth grinding and dental changes
    Dry mouth and a chronic need for water at night
    Neck and shoulder pain
    Heartburn and GERD

Recognizing and combating signs and symptoms of a sleeping disorder (that can include snoring) is crucial to achieving and maintaining good health. Numerous studies have proven the risks of untreated sleep disorders that include significant health issues related to heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Your quality of life depends on getting good sleep, and that relies on being able to breathe. Visit a sleep disorder specialist and help your loved one breathe better, sleep better, and ultimately live a longer, healthier life.  Learn more by visiting,